"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Saturday 17 August 2013

Coffs Harbour

We arrived in Coffs Harbour yesterday afternoon and it didn't take long for Nahlia to enjoy running around on the grass and chasing the wildlife!  There's a family of wild ducks here with nine ducklings, plus several scrub turkeys, jaribus, and other wild ducks too.  Today we're having a much-needed rest from driving, phew...!  And we're getting our heads around all the changes to our diet that Nahlia's doctor in Canberra prescribed.  She's picked up some parasites and fungi, probably from all the dirt and poop that she put in her mouth when we weren't looking, and possibly unboiled tank water at the farm in Quaama.  She also has some deficiencies and allergies which we are now taking care of.  It may take some time for changes to be noticeable, but we are looking forward to healthy days ahead!

Tomorrow we have only 2.5 to 3 hours of driving left to Rock Valley.

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