"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Saturday, 19 March 2011


The house where we currently live has SOLD today!  Wow, we've been here for almost 3 years now, and have absolutely loved it.  It's been a very fruitful and blessed season for us here.  However, we feel that this move marks the beginning of a new season for us.  There are many things that we have been hoping to do for the past year or so, and we feel that this is a time of changes which will allow us to finally be able to do those!  One of those things is moving to a bigger home, with garden, and a more rural setting.  That is what we're looking for at the moment, and we are waiting to hear about one place which has everything we want.

We have a few months before we actually have to move on, so we have plenty of time to find something if our preferred property doesn't come through for us.

Ulf has also been offered a job painting (part-time hours), which he is considering.  It will mean different work hours (full days instead of half days), and possibly more pay, but nothing is certain at this stage.

So, there are many changes in store for us in the next few months!

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