"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Tuesday 6 January 2009

Baby Bunnies!!

We arrived home from our Christmas 'holiday' at about 1.30am on 2nd January. In the morning, Ulf came in jumping up and down, saying, "Come look, come look!" so I followed him and we discovered that eight little squirming newborn bunnies were warmly tucked away in Lily's nest (in an old lawn mower catcher)! What a wonderful surprise to come home to! Most of them have dark skin and will have dark fur also, but two have light skin. Their eyes are currently shut, but they should open in 8 - 10 days time. We have seperated Butch (the 'father') from Lily ('mother'), to avoid her becoming pregnant again straight away. In about 8 weeks time, we will sell the babies.

Happy New Year!

Here they are:
It is day 5 and we have lost two little ones to starvation. Lily simply can't feed more than six babies... However, there are still two that are smaller than the others, and there is one particularly fat one!

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