So it might seem like a strange time to do it, but better late than never!! I've been wanting to visit my dear friend Kristin Gounder in the NT for some time now, but as flights to that part of Australia are quite expensive, I put the idea out of my mind. But it didn't leave my heart... I had a few dreams about my friend during our Wwoofing trip and when we got to Atherton I was going to burst! But God was already a few steps ahead of me... when I checked for flights again they were almost half price!! So Nahlia and I set off on an Alice Springs adventure!!

Nahlia's first time on an aeroplane!!
Holding up a dead cicada... the sand is a dry riverbed, apparently which has been dry for many years.
Simpson's Gap, one of the many gaps in the McDonalds Ranges, which run 400kms east and 400kms west of Alice Springs, in several ridges.
Kristin with Ellia, her youngest, and Nahlia. It actually rained on this day and the rain was cold!
The McDonald Ranges, from the bottom of a slide.
Galahs, who were grazing on the school grounds. The only green areas in Alice are those that are regularly watered.
Hand-feeding Rock Wallabies!!! That was a definite highlight!
Ellia, Avishai, and Nahlia.
A tiny joey pokes it's head out!
Sunset at Anzac Hill.
The three again... they had fun running around the monument.
Wow, what can I say??!! Our week in Alice Springs was exactly what I needed, when I needed it.... refreshing, yet intense (Nahlia continued to have reflux issues), a time-out from my daily routine (it was such a treat to not have to cook three meals a day, everyday!!), and it gave me the time I needed to dig deeper with God again and let go of some emotional tension which had been building up during our long journey. So thank you to dear Kristin, Shalvin, Avashai and Ellia for having us in your home and giving me the space and time that I needed!
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