"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Friday, 29 March 2013

Making Soap

All ready to go - protective gear on, equipment out, ingredients standing by.

Mixing the caustic soda with water.

The 'soap' in their moulds, just after being poured in.

Cutting the soap while still warm and soft.

In January I made my first ever batch of soap.  It was like chemistry class at school, but better because I chose to do it!

I  used Rhonda Hetzel's recipe from her book Down to Earth.  Olive oil, Rice brain oil, Coconut oil, and caustic soda.

It was relatively simple to make, and as with anything new, the more I make it, the easier it will become.  I was really happy with the soap it made and I left it to dry out for six weeks before testing it.

This soap lathers extremely well, and gives you that squeaky clean feeling.  I like the mild bran aroma, but Ulf doesn't like the smell.  I would prefer it if it didn't clean so well and rather moisturised more, but I'll have to use some different oils to get those qualities into my soap.

Of course I have plans to make it again!  I have dried calendula flowers waiting to be infused into oil and made into soap - calendula has natural anti-septic qualities.  And I would very much like to make soap the old-fashioned way one day, using good old animal fat!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Casper eggplant

I love eggplant, but I can never seem to get their tiny little seeds to sprout for me!  This season I found a seedling for an heriloom variety that I had never heard of before - Casper Eggplant.  This one little bush has so much fruit on it that you would think our soils were amazing, but they're nothing special.  It loves cooler weather and puts out new flowers when the temperature drops, and also after a feed of Comfrey fertiliser.

To eat, they are divine!  The skins are not bitter like the well-known Black Beauty.  We enjoy them fried golden on top of our salads... mmmmmm yum!

I'm definitely going to keep some seeds from this little Casper and try it again!  That's if they'll sprout for me...!

Papa Ulf

So here's a look at what Ulf has been doing with his time...

Being a Dad (and loving it)...


and reading...

...among many other things to be sure!

Sunday, 3 March 2013