"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Friday 19 October 2012


We've weathered the winter well this year, with a fireplace that lasts longer throughout the night and an extra heater in the bedroom to make sure it's warm enough for Nahlia to have her nappy changed in the middle of the night.

We are glad for spring, though, and I've been busy in the vegie patch, planting out seeds, tending to the remaining winter crops and keeping those lettuce well watered!

The other day some friends came and helped us in the backyard, to get a couple of new garden beds ready for planting and tidy up some old ones.  The apple tree got a new skirt - a corrugated iron one to keep the possums away!  It's always humbling to receive this kind of help - hard labour, ie.  And with a beautiful garden to enjoy, now I'm more excited than ever for summer!!

Ulf is now working for an online organic fruit and veg business, delivering organic goodness all over Melbourne.  He's absolutely loving it!  I'm not sure that he loves the driving itself but he totally loves doing it because he fully believes in what he's doing.

His two days delivering, which begin at 10am, give us a nice rhythm as a family as he can take Nahlia in the mornings and let mama rest a bit more!  On the other days we share the responsibilities of taking care of our daughter, which we are really enjoying.

Nahlia now has a tooth, is sitting up by herself, is taking heaps, eating heaps, and is almost crawling out the door already!  She is a delight!

Ulf's new employer had to find a new home for their four sheep, so we took them on as our new 'slashers/lawn mowers' he he he...  They are lovely additions to 'the farm' (as our friends call it) and they love their new home among the apple trees along our driveway.

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