"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Saturday 3 March 2012

The baby's room

After much preparation, the baby's room is finally ready!  Ulf has done a wonderful job painting the walls, and I've re-upholstered a second-hand rocking chair, made curtains and decorations...!

 On the left is a corner of my sewing desk - the baby has to share it's space with my creativity...!
The banner on the right says, 'dream' (traum/traeumen).

The rocking horse will have to be put away when the cot is setup in that corner.  For the first few weeks or so, the baby will sleep in a cradle in our room.

We're in the middle of washing second-hand clothes, packing our bags for hospital, finalising our birth plan and cooking large quantities of meals for the freezer...!

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