"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Thursday 16 September 2010

Bring on the sun!

An open summer sandwich, Jetter-style!

We're enjoying the warmth of the Australian sun on our faces!  We are so looking forward to warmer weather...!

The sun is fighting with the rainclouds at the moment.  The weather changes rapidly and in short succession. 
Whenever possible, we steal a few moments out in the garden.  We received a swing seat from some neighbours who moved away, and we are enjoying it a lot!  Don't worry, though, we still love our hammock. :-)

Waiting, waiting, waiting.  That is my feeling at the moment.  We're waiting for warmer weather, we're waiting for Gunnar to arrive, we're waiting for the end of the year when we will move.  But I am reminded today that God is in no hurry to bring us further down the track than where we are.  There is always good reason and purpose for the amount of time we spend wherever we are in our journeys.  We're just never able to see it at the time, only in looking back afterwards.

I often get impatient and want to fast-forward to the next step, but I would not be able to handle it there if I did that!  There is so much that I want to do and experience in life, but I must let it come slowly and in His time.  I'm just so thankful that He is patient with me and that He reassures me, "There's plenty of time for everything."

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