From the 4th to the 7h of Jan, Ulf spent 3 nights at a Cistercian Abbey, in the beautiful Yarra Valley, about 15km from our place. He used this time of solitude and peace, to reflect and to just spend some quality time with Father. There was also chance to partake in the daily routine of the Cistercian monks, who would schedule their day around set times of prayer and singing the Psalms. The first of these "offices" starts at 4am (I never managed to get up for that) followed by personal prayer and meditation, then 6am followed by breakfast, 8am followed by work or study 11.15am followed by the main meal, 1.40pm followed by work, 6pm and finally 8pm. Their main work and way of provision is cattle farming. They have a large property, with paddocks filled with Red Angus, that goes right down to the Yarra River, featuring many beautiful spots to sit in the shade of a tree and just relax...
Der Ulf war da mal im Abtei und hatte eine schoene Zeit... ;-)

The entrance to the 1.5km drive way. The bus took me only thus far, the rest I had to go pilgrim-style. :-)
Die Einfahrt zur Abtei...ein 1,5km langer Weg. Der Bus hat mich hier abgesetzt und den Rest bin ich zu Fuss Pilger-maessig gewandert. :-)
The chapel on the left and the guest house on the right.
Die Kapelle links und das Gasthaus rechts.
The view...
Der Ausblick...
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