Ulf's finished wooden kangaroo.
We spent a week and a half with Ulf's older brother Bjoern, his wife Sue and their first child Robin. Here is Ulf and Robin playing on a see-saw together (with Em on the other end)!
During our stay with Bjoern and Sue and Robin, we went to an underwater world. Unfortunately all the photos we took inside were too dark, so here's one of Ulf playing in the gift shop! Sue and Robin are in the background.
We were blessed to be able celebrate Robin's 1st birthday on 31st July. The hat didn't stay on very long, though!
Emma and Robin playing on his 'Bobby Car', which he got for his birthday.
In the middle of our stay with our nephew and his family (he he), we went camping on the Baltic Sea for two nights. This is where we stayed the first night - ont he edge of a cliff! The view was beautiful, but the 10 o'clock winds which lasted through the night, were not! We didn't sleep a wink as the noise was so loud and our tent was moving around so much that it would bend inwards and touch us.
The beach there was also not that enjoyable - all rocks! We did go swimming, but it certainly doesn't compare to a nice sandy beach! Here's Em on the cliff, showing the rocks below and the wind!
The next day we drove around the island Fehmarn, checking out the small lighthouses, rocky beaches, sheep, and the ferry to Denmark.
For the second night we found a small camping ground with a sandy beach (with a few pebbles, but it was the best that we had seen). The camping ground was mostly full and through some unlcear communication we had some diffulty getting a spot for our tent. But in the end, they gave us a sheltered spot which is normally for caravans, and we thanked God because it was so nice!
On our way back to Bjoern and Sue's place, we rented a rowboat on the lake in Eutin. That was relaxing and fun!
Last week we spent some time with an old friend - Steffi and her fiance Richard. Here we all are, off on our bikes to spend a day in the water and the sun!
We spent the day swimming, playing in the sand, laughing at passers-by falling into Richard's big hole at the water's edge, eating and resting on the beach.
Here's Richard and Ulf, behind our 'Ritter Burg' - 'Knight's Fortress.'
Yesterday we spend the day in Brake/Lemgo with Gunnar, visiting a Bible School where Ulf's family went for their summer holidays for many years. We had lunch in Lemgo, and here we are playing around in the old city centre...
Gunnar and his ice-cream.
It was a relaxing day for us, which finished off with some volleyball which was cut short as we were making too much noise and interrupting the missions evening that was taking place in the chapel...!
Unfortunately we won't be able to make it to Paris this time, but we are thinking that all our adventures and our trip to the Carribean will be enough fun this time! Until next time!
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