On Thursday 28 November 2008 we traveled into Melbourne city to lodge Ulf's spouse visa

application (for permenant residency). Amazingly we only had to wait about an hour to see someone (we didn't have an appointment so we didn't expect to see anyone), who went through our documents [see photo, right] and 'interviewed' us and took our money. We were very surprised and blessed by the kind nature of the man that took our application. He was very polite and respectful and very positive about the possible outcome. We still needed one more official document, then our application would be complete and he would have to make the decision. We have now sent in this last document and should know an answer in the next weeks, hopefully by early January. Praise the Lord!
Photo gallery:

Left: Em & Ulf outside flat in Lilydale

Right: Riding on the old city circle Tram

Left: Sons of Korah concert at Christian City Church in Nunawading

Right: Em and friend Amy (left) at German 'Cuckoo' restaurant for Bible College Staff Xmas breakup party

Left: Some of our garden/backyard. The green thing in the background is a shade cover for the

rabbit pen.
Right: Our bunnies - Lily in front and Butch behind.

Left: Our garden (zuchini flower in front). It has been raining a lot this spring - a nice surprise really.

Right: Lily rolling on the grass.

Left: Clare (right), Kimberly, Pam and Leanne, with whom Em made a gingerbread house

Right: Em and her gingerbread house
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