After staying at four different places in Melbourne we are ready to stop! But we are learning to wait for what the Lord has for us. It's not easy. He continues to change us within and take unnecessary burdens from us. The refining/cleansing process never really ends, it just moves us into new dimensions of our relationship with Him. We are His garden, which He plants, waters, feeds,

removes weeds from, causes to bloom and bear fruit when it is right to Him.
After Christmas we moved to Greensborough and stayed with Stuart and Jackie, friends of ours. We welcomed the New Year in while resting (sleeping). The next weeks were spent

helping around the house - cleaning, rearranging furniture, sewing curtains (Em), and making a compost crate-bin (Ulf). Stu and Jak had had several house-mates coming and going over the past few years and this was the first time that they could have the house how they wanted it to be. So we were happy to help!
It was (and is) still a time of waiting. We

stayed in Greensborough for about a month, which was enough time to get our heads straight after the long journey down from Cairns. We started praying about getting part-time jobs and about where we were to live in Melbourne. This was an exciting new situation for us to be in but we did not want to go ahead and do whatever we wanted or felt right about. We were (and are) waiting for God to move and bring us into what He has for us in Melbourne. At the time, Ulf felt to contact his last employer in Lilydale

about cleaning in schools, while Em felt led to apply for a job at Kmart.
After Greensborough, we house-sat a family's home in Watsonia for the Australia Day long weekend. It was a beautiful house and garden (vegies!) - we were so blessed! We were really longing for our own place

and God gave us four beautiful days of rest there.
After our little holiday we came to Ringwood to house-sit some friends' house for a couple of weeks. We arrived here on a Monday and the next day Ulf started working part-time at Lilydale West Primary School! We both feel

that God has placed him there and we are thankful for this job. Ulf is very much enjoying working again, but we are both aware that we cannot fall into thinking that that is all that God has for us here - to find a place to live and start working. Working is only a small part of the picture - a big picture of which we cannot see in its entirety.
We are continuing to trust the Lord that He has a home for us to dwell in here in Melbourne. In the process we are learning that God Himself is our Home and we will be happy wherever He is.
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.Psalm 23: 6
Photos, from top to bottom: Ulf and Stuart cleaning in the lounge room; Getting into the garden; Em sewing curtains; The neighbour's ginger cat that kept coming to visit us for affection (at Stu and Jak's place); The back garden at Watsonia house-sit, complete with vegie patch!; Zuchini flower; Em has been experimenting in the kitchen... this is Honey cake with Strawberry Sauce. Check out her recipe blog at http://emmas-ekitchen.blogspot.com or click link on left.