Another unsual thing they say here is 'brilliant', which they use instead of 'awesome' or 'great'. To say "that's great", you might hear, "that's brilliant!" I even hear the short form "brill"!!! :-0
New Movements...?
So we've been here at the Stanford le Hope Boiler Room for three weeks now and during the third week we felt like we should be moving on. And that's what we thought God was saying to us as well (Maybe because it's so nice here and we felt guilty for staying, maybe also because if we stayed any longer then we wouldn't be travelling anymore, maybe because we felt like we're supposed to be visiting Boiler Rooms so we should move on to another one...?). The Boiler Room in Liverpool had caught our attention, so we had booked some time there from the 11th to 21st of September and this would have marked the end of our time here in Stanford. But it just didn't feel right to be going at that time. The travel costs and the length of our stay in Liverpool also didn't feel right. There are other reasons, too, that it doesn't feel like we should go, and so we have decided to stay here until God gives us a green light to go (A big one!).
Some more pics
Right: Emma concentrating hard to remove the strings on her tie-died pillow case.
Left: Emma in one of the BESOM storage rooms, where donated items are sorted. See last post for info on BESOM, or click on 'The BESOM'link on the left.
Right: Ulf mowing the lawn.
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