In late July we moved to Hof Woerme, in the Luenebergerheide, a beautiful region in northern Germany, just south of Hamburg. We had been searching and waiting for three months for an apprenticeship position for Ulf in Biodynamic Farming. And on 1st August 2014 his two year apprenticeship officially began!
We really enjoyed our time living with Ulf's parents in Wehrendorf, but we knew that it was not forever. We needed to find our own place here - home, work, friends, etc - that fit for us.
During our 'test week' in early July at Hof Woerme, we felt peace that this was the place for us. All the little details were not clear, but we were sure this was right for us.
So we took the plunge and moved into a little 2nd storey apartment, with large south-facing windows in the lounge room, and a loft bedroom on top. We share the bathroom with others living on our floor, but we have our own kitchen, and a little bedroom that will eventually be Nahlia's own!
Collecting the eggs together...
Emerging from the forest..... we went a-walking!
Buried in the sandpit
In the cow paddock (beef cattle).
The beautiful clear stream
Nahlia drawing ferociously
Trying to pat the pigs, who are always awaiting food!
The new family of piglets.. 12 in all.
Letting the chickens out with Nahlia. We do this every morning at 9am together.
My egg-collecting buddy enjoying some homemade choc-spread on her bread. We collect the eggs together every morning at 11am; Ulf collects them again at 4pm.
Ulf sorting the eggs, ready for packing and later delivery to customers.
The new family of piglets.. 12 in all.
Letting the chickens out with Nahlia. We do this every morning at 9am together.
My egg-collecting buddy enjoying some homemade choc-spread on her bread. We collect the eggs together every morning at 11am; Ulf collects them again at 4pm.
Ulf sorting the eggs, ready for packing and later delivery to customers.
Saying hello to the cows and trying to find the newborn calf
Heide.... the beautiful little shrub that covers the hillsides in large open areas, blooms every August.
We love our new home in the 'Heide'! It's very different to what we've known before, but we're adjusting to our new family routine and rhythm, different food, new people, new tasks, lots of new info, ... with lots of little precious family moments splashed in between.
We don't have the internet at home, so we check our emails whenever we visit Ulf's parents in Wehrendorf. Ulf's theory schooling should start in the next week or two, which means one whole day per week at a school in Lueneberg. At the farm he learns all the practical aspects, but he still needs to learn theory and sit exams to complete his apprenticeship and get his 'piece of paper' at the end. Ulf works from 6am to 6pm every day, with a decent break for breakfast and lunch. We eat all our meals together - breakfast and lunch with the other farm workers and dinner we eat alone in our apartment. I work a bit in the morning, and a little in the afternoon, not full days, so I have time for Nahlia and housework and everything else... All our food is provided for. Ulf receives a wage and I work for my food and accommodation.
Nahlia has started to make new friends, but most of them so far have only been at the farm on holidays, which means they go away again... Thankfully we have found a couple of children nearby who live here. Nahlia loves running and climbing; painting; cutting and pasting; playing 'baby'; helping Mummy cook in the kitchen; learning to cut fruit with a knife; washing up; playing in the sandpit; sultanas; stealing plums from the Farm shop; visiting the baby chickens and ducks; patting the goats and Nancy the horse; eating noodles with her hands; learning German; hanging off door handles; and doing things all by herself - "I'll do it, I'll do it." She also is not wanting to take day naps anymore and has graduated from Mummy's milk bar.
There is much to do on the farm and it's easy to get swept away in the hustle and bustle of it all. But I've found much reassurance, encouragement and peace from one dear family who live next door. I am so thankful for them. Christine is lovely and is always willing to watch Nahlia for a little while if she's not busy, which gives me a much-needed break. It's also helpful to have someone with similar values around, so that I can keep things in perspective and not feel pressured by the work happening around me. I am gradually finding my oasis in the midst of work and a business place which is now our home.
Ulf really enjoys his work. He works long hours; his days are very full, but it doesn't drain him internally. He is learning a lot in a short space of time and is loving it. It just makes sense to give one's strength, time and effort to such things. The physical exertion has immediate, tangible rewards.... pigs get fat, food is made from them, we eat well..... man works with the land, with nature, to produce a harvest, food is made, we eat well .... and whatever we don't eat returns to the animals or the land. We are nurtured and the animals and the land are nurtured as well. We can't imagine anything better to give our strength to. It is satisfying work.