"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Saturday, 21 September 2013


The portable sawmill and bulldozer behind.  Our hosts needed to find suitable timber for the extension on their house.

Our favourite waterhole on the creek.  We bathed here regularly.

The bookworm loves the trike!

Pancakes in the bush.

The 'Wwoofers Quarters', where the hosts currently live while they work on their house.

Tooloom Falls.

Nahlia found some bush tucker...

Emma milking one of the jersey cows.

Nahlia and friends - Murray (9) and Hugh (5).

Everyone together - Nimai, Utal (the two builders), Murray, Ben and Flora (2), and Bay with Hugh.

After three beautiful weeks at Wallaby Creek, Urbenville, we've arrived at Emma's brother's house in Laidley to visit some family and have a little rest before finding our next wwoof host.

Last week in Billen Cliffs

Some pictures from our last week at Billen Cliffs...

A day out in Nimbin - Nahlia on the slide with Ulf and having a goat's milk ice cream with Emma.

A wallaby in the pumpkin patch.

The best tasting roast vegetables ever!.... cooked in the camp oven.

Our 'camp'.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Wallaby Creek, Urbenville

We farewelled our hosts at Billen Cliffs last week and headed out to Urbenville, west of Kyogle, to 500 acres of bush, with a freshwater creek running through it.  Beef and dairy cattle, as well as some horses, chickens and ducks graze on the land.  Our hosts here are building an extension on their house using timber milled from their own land.  Ulf has been helping with the building, while Nahlia and I have been spending a little time in the vegetable garden.  Our hosts are a beautiful family with three children, 9 years, 5 years and 2 years old, who are all involved in and love their farm life.  Life has slowed down for us here, and we are thoroughly enjoying the beautiful surrounds, bathing in the creek, family time together, Ulf whittling, Emma hand-sewing, an abundance of home-grown eggs, freshly baked bread and cheese, cooking over a campfire every night, and sharing work and life with some great people.