"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Friday, 20 April 2012

Our baby girl

Our beautiful daughter Nahlia Zayin Jetter arrived on 2nd April at 11:22am. 
She weighed 2950g.
Her birth was all natural and she came into the world in water. 

Nahlia means 'gift.'  She is our beautiful gift from God!

Zayin [Za-yeen] is the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet. We chose this name simply because we waited seven years for her!

We are so thankful for our beautiful daughter, and we enjoy her very much!  

The wait was long but it was worth it!  We are enjoying being parents, and all the challenges that it brings.

What has been most surprising is the amazing and overwhelming support from friends and people in our community, bringing meals, gifts, and just helping me get out of the house!  We feel truly blessed and cared for at this special time.

God has wonderfully provided a 'new' car for us... a Falcon wagon, which we so needed.  Our little red one just isn't a family car and is in need of some repairs.  We are so thankful for friends who spent time getting our 'new' car ready and on the road!

We also have new neighbours - a family with three girls has moved into the main house on the property where we live.  This brings a new dynamic to our 'home community', which is lovely.

Right now we are just enjoying being a little family, surrounded by the love of friends and community.