"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Monday, 8 November 2010

Elisha Care Camp

 A beautiful rainbow greeted me when I arrived at Camp Howqua.

 Ulf on the verandah of the school house where we ate our meals.

 The beautiful view from our campfire, and our accommodation.

 A group of us, retiring from a game of volleyball...and Cecelia being silly! :-)

Ulf and the gang having a hit on the Tennis Court.

We also celebrated Gunnar's 20th Birthday on Friday night with a Tim Tam Cake!  Go to Emma's Kitchen Creativity Blog for a photo and the recipe.

The weekend was very beautiful, relaxing, fun, and a great time just being with our friends.

For more photos, go to Elisha Care's Blog.


Finally a decent sized beetroot from my garden!
We tried Borscht last week, but it has a very delicate flavour....not sure if it's our favourite!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


I'm loving the flowers in our garden at the moment... and still I'm planting more!  One last garden bed to fill up, and the old pool area to level out as lawn, and we're done.  I took advantage of a break in the weather yesterday to plant out some more cuttings.

The last few days it has rained a lot here - 58mm in one day!  And to add to that, a power cut took out our internet!!  What to do, what to do... :-)

We had a nice relaxed day on Saturday to celebrate Ulf's birthday.  Lots of board games, lunch in Sassafras, and presents before breakfast!

This coming weekend we'll be away at Camp Howqua http://www.camphowqua.com.au/ and there we will celebrate Gunnar's 20th birthday!  It's gunna be fun!