Yesterday we bought our tickets for flights to Germany!
On 1st July we will leave Melbourne for Amsterdam, via Kuala Lumper and on 29th August we will return the same way. Praise the Lord for making it possible for us to visit our German family and friends! He is so good to us!
Right: Ulf looking up flights on the internet.
On the home front, our rabbit had babies again yesterday. One died at birth, but six remain and are healthy! This time Lily made a nest with much more hay and much more fur to cover them and keep them warm. She is doing well.
Right: Snow peas growing in our garden.
The autumn leaves give a splash of colour to our back yard and I can't help feeling excited about the 'coming snow of winter'... except there is no snow in Melbourne winters, only in southern German ones... and we will not see winter this year in Melbourne, due to our trip to Germany (our 'other home'). There we will enjoy two months of summer!

Right: Harvesting rhubarb to make wine.
Emma has joined a weekly craft group, which her friend Sherry attends, and is really enjoying doing crafty things with others who are just as enthusiastic as she!

Right: Sherry and Emma.
Ulf is enjoying his job at the school - 3 hours of exercise each day! ;-) In the first week he was a bit sore, but now he enjoys his daily workout cleaning at school.
Please pray for us as we prepare for our trip to Germany. There are a few things that we need to do before we go, and we are looking forward to see how our time in Germany unfolds, according to His plan.