"You can count the seeds in a sunflower, but you can never count the sunflowers in a seed."


Monday, 13 April 2009

The harvest continues

The first two beets out of the ground. We're gradually harvesting our carrots so the rabbits can eat all the tops and inedible ones. They're all a bit gnarly, but quite yum! Meanwhile, the red onions have taken off and the 'year round' carrot seedlings are doing well. I just put in more parsnip and kale seeds today after waiting almost a month for some to come up. To my surprise there were two parsnips up from the first lot I put in about two months ago!

Butch continues to harrass Lily, uggghh! Lily has also started digging again today - possible sign of pregnancy. Snowbell seems quite happy on her own with no other rabbits to bully her. We give her plenty of cuddles to make sure she doesn't get lonely.

I have a hankering to plant a raspberry patch, if I can call it that. God will have to do that.

Ulf has been out of work for a few weeks now and as it seems that nothing will come from the usual places anytime soon, he's looking into getting a cleaning job at a local school again. That will at least be some regular work for him and will help the finances.

Community - what is that and is it feasible in today's society? Ulf and I have found ourselves part of a group which reaches out to those in need. The thing is, we are all in need in reality - we are all on the same level before God. After about a year with this group and six months in the 'position' of housing administrators/overseers we find ourselves no closer to what we would describe 'community'. It doesn't feel like a family, it feels like work. So there has to be something more... more from God and more of God to be seen in our relationships with others. Perhaps part of the problem is that is takes so long to build a relationship of any depth with others when you don't live with them, or maybe even when you do...? People only open up to you if they choose to, but sometimes it's hard to stick it out and wait for that day.

After being thoroughly impressed and inspired by my friend Naraleska's art blog, I have set up one of my own - http://emmajetter.blogspot.com/ I haven't done a lot of art in the last year, but lately I have felt the urge to put some colour on a canvas again.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Rabbit deaths

Lily and Butch, our pair of rabbits, had their second litter last Friday. On Monday Ulf discovered seven dead babies. They lasted only 3 days. We believe their deaths were caused by the mother not feeding them as she was under stress. It was a sad day in our little home, but we do have hope for future litters.